Welcome to the Rapha family.

The meaning behind Rapha

The Hebrew word “rapha” is usually translated “to heal” in Scripture, but the heart of the meaning of the word is “to mend, repair, or restore something to its normal or useful state.”

After learning the true meaning of chiropractic and how we use our hands to remove interference in the body to allow the Lord to restore function and health, I felt a deeper calling to name this space after the healing that will happen here. I pray you find new hope and healing here at Rapha.

Why Chiropractic?

At Rapha, we believe chiropractic care can increase your body's innate potential for healing and help you achieve optimal function. Chiropractic care focuses on identifying and correcting subluxations your spine, misalignments in your spine dampen the communication between the brain and the body.

Your spine is the protective housing for your nervous system, which controls and coordinates every function within the body as well as every organ, gland, and tissue. When the spine is misaligned, it can disrupt the communication between the body, organs, and brain. Subluxations not only affect the spine and cause you pain, but they also set up a silent journey to decreased health and vitality.

Through precise adjustments, we restore proper spinal alignment, allowing the nervous system to function optimally. By addressing subluxations, we facilitate the brain-body connection, enabling efficient communication between the nervous system and every organ, gland, and tissue in the body.

We firmly believe that a well-aligned spine leads to a well-functioning nervous system, promoting overall health and wellness. By addressing this foundation, chiropractic care doesn't merely focus on alleviating symptoms; it enhances the body's innate ability to heal and thrive.

At Rapha, we are dedicated to providing compassionate and detailed care for families, with a special emphasis on pediatric and perinatal chiropractic services. Our goal is to empower each individual to achieve their optimal health potential by ensuring that their nervous system operates at its best. This is how you live life doing want you love!

Come see us at Rapha to experience the transformation and benefits of chiropractic care and the profound impact it can have on your family's well-being. We are so excited to support you on your journey to health and vitality for you and your loved ones.

Align. Heal. Thrive.

Align. Heal. Thrive.

  • New Patient Appointment

    You’ll come in for a full health history, physical examination, posture analysis, and orthopedic / neurological examination. You will receive your first adjustment & care plan recommendations!

  • Children's New Patient Appointment

    You’ll bring your little one in and we will assess them based on their age! We will talk through an in-depth health history, then follow up with a physical exam and neurological exam. Milestones & primitive reflexes will be assessed if your child is within the appropriate age range. They will then have their first adjustment & we will talk through their care plan!

New Patient Exam


In-depth patient health history, comprehensive physical exam, posture analysis, and adjustment.

For pediatrics: In-depth patient health history, comprehensive physical exam, posture analysis, primitive reflex exam, and adjustment.

No insurance accepted.

Start building health foundations today.