Importance of Prenatal Chiropractic Care

The stresses of pregnancy can impact various parts of your body, causing discomfort and tension. Dr. Monica has extensive training specialized in gentle adjustments tailored for pregnant women to promote overall balance within your body, give baby enough space to grow and move, and to alleviate pain. These adjustments can also contribute to improved stability, decrease in digestive issues, and improve overall sleep and health.

Beyond alleviating pain, our prenatal chiropractic care extends to managing other common pregnancy symptoms. For instance, nausea, particularly prevalent in the first trimester, can be addressed through chiropractic care that enhances overall brain and body communication, potentially alleviating these symptoms.

Labor & Delivery

Chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy can aid in preparing the body for labor. By focusing on relaxation in the pelvis, sacrum, and spinal areas, these adjustments may contribute to reducing the duration of labor and potentially resulting in fewer interventions during childbirth for many women. Additionally, we use the Webster Technique to alleviate pain for you and allow baby to have more room to get in proper position!

“Birth is not only about making babies, birth is about making mothers… strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.”

— Barbara Katz Rothman, PhD

What our practice members are saying:

“Dr. Monica is on the of the most kind hearted caring individuals I have ever met! She not only takes the time to hear you and your concerns but truly wants the best for all her patients and will go above and beyond to make sure they are getting the care they deserve! She does her research and is so knowledgeable. I would trust any of my family members going to her!”

— Anna

I highly recommend Dr. Monica! Five stars for her exceptional care. From myself to my husband and our little ones since birth, she's been phenomenal. Dr. Monica goes beyond adjustments, offering guidance and successfully addressing hormonal balance. Her genuine love for children is evident in every session.

— Bishop

“I highly recommend Dr. Monica for chiropractic services! She has an array of knowledge in so many specialty areas. I physically feel better after each visit, but also feel enlightened as she shares much information and suggestions with me during appointments. She is one of the few chiropractors that is intentional and personable with her time as well as provides a thorough, full body evaluation and adjustments as needed. Cannot recommend enough!”

— Amanda

Pediatric, Perinatal, Family Chiropractic.

Pediatric, Perinatal, Family Chiropractic.