HELP! What prenatal should I be taking?

During pregnancy, your baby relies on you for all their vitamins and nutrients. This means that ensuring you have enough for both of you is crucial. Inadequate nutrition can affect both your health and your baby's development. This is why the quality of your prenatal vitamin is so important

Pregnancy is a time when your nutritional needs increase significantly. Your baby will "steal" vitamins and nutrients from you, so you need to make sure you have enough to support both your health and your baby's growth. A well-balanced prenatal vitamin can help fill in the gaps to ensure you both get the necessary nutrients.

I always prefer my patients to get their vitamins, minerals, and nutrients from whole foods. Whole foods provide a complex matrix of nutrients that work synergistically, which is often more beneficial than isolated nutrients in supplement form. However, I understand that it's not always easy to get everything you need from diet alone. Modern agricultural practices have depleted many nutrients from our soil, making it difficult to get all the necessary nutrients from food alone, especially during pregnancy. This is why supplementation, particularly with a high-quality prenatal vitamin, becomes essential.

If you're not taking a quality prenatal, you might experience symptoms like heartburn, cramping, nausea, or constipation. These can be signs that your body is not getting the nutrients it needs. Ensuring you have a high-quality prenatal can help alleviate these symptoms by providing the essential nutrients your body requires.

When choosing a prenatal vitamin, it's important to avoid synthetic ingredients. These can be harder for your body to process and might not provide the same benefits as natural sources. One critical nutrient to pay attention to is folate. Many prenatals contain folic acid, the synthetic form of folate. However, folic acid can be difficult to convert into a usable form for those with the MTHFR gene mutation. Therefore, it's better to choose a prenatal that contains natural folate rather than synthetic folic acid.

There are many prenatal vitamins on the market, but not all meet our high standards. We recommend pairing your prenatal with grass-fed and finished beef organs for the best nutrition. Here are our top recommendations for quality prenatal vitamins:

1. FullWell

These options provide the necessary nutrients in forms that are easier for your body to utilize, ensuring you and your baby get the best support possible during pregnancy.

Choosing the right prenatal vitamin is a vital part of prenatal care. By selecting a high-quality option, you can help ensure a healthier pregnancy for both you and your baby. If you have any questions about prenatal vitamins or need personalized recommendations, feel free to reach out during your next appointment. Your health and your baby's development are our top priorities.

Wondering what other support you may need to feel great during preconception or your pregnancy? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Monica here!

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice or treatment and is for educational purposes only.


Torticollis and chiropractic care in Celina, OH.


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