Torticollis and chiropractic care in Celina, OH.

Torticollis, also known as "wry neck," is a condition in which a baby’s head becomes tilted to one side while the chin points to the opposite side. While you may think your child will grow out of this, there are several underlying issues that might not be resolved. Understanding its causes and exploring treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can provide much-needed relief for your child. At Rapha Chiropractic, we are committed to helping infants with torticollis achieve better health and comfort through specialized chiropractic and craniosacral techniques.

What is Torticollis?

Torticollis in babies is often caused by tightness or shortening of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, a large muscle on either side of the neck. This muscle tightness can result from various factors, including:

    •   Limited space in the womb, particularly in the final weeks of pregnancy, can lead to a cramped position.

    •   Difficult or assisted deliveries (such as the use of forceps or vacuum extraction) can strain a baby’s neck muscles.

    •    Babies spending extended periods lying on their back or in car seats can develop muscle imbalances.

Symptoms of torticollis include a tilted head, limited range of motion in the neck, asymmetrical head shape (plagiocephaly), and, occasionally, difficulty breastfeeding on one side.

Chiropractic care can be an effective, non-invasive treatment option for babies with torticollis. Dr. Monica uses gentle, specialized techniques to address the musculoskeletal issues associated with torticollis. Here’s how chiropractic care can help:

    1.     Dr. Monica performs gentle spinal adjustments to realign the baby's spine and reduce muscle tension. These adjustments are specifically tailored for infants through her thorough training, ensuring they are safe and comfortable.

    2.    Techniques such as massage and craniosacral therapy help relax the tight sternocleidomastoid muscle, improving the range of motion and reducing discomfort.

    3.    We provide guidance on proper positioning techniques for feeding, sleeping, and playing, which can help alleviate the strain on the baby’s neck muscles and promote balanced muscle development.

    4.    At Rapha Chiropractic, we educate YOU, the parents on exercises and stretches they can perform at home to support their baby's treatment and encourage healthy neck movement. This helps us achieve the most optimal results when we work as a team!

Chiropractic care also offers numerous benefits for babies with torticollis:

    •    Gentle adjustments and muscle relaxation techniques can significantly reduce the discomfort associated with torticollis.

    •    Restoring proper alignment and muscle function helps babies achieve a full range of motion in their neck, aiding in their overall development and allowing them to breastfeed properly.

    •  Chiropractic care provides a drug-free, non-surgical option for treating torticollis, which is especially important for the delicate and growing nervous systems of infants.

At Rapha Chiropractic, our mission is to provide compassionate, effective care for the youngest members of your family. If your baby shows signs of torticollis, consider scheduling a consultation with us. Dr. Monica is dedicated to helping your baby achieve optimal health and well-being through chiropractic care.

For more information or to book an appointment or call us at (567)-279-1683. Together, we can help your baby on the path to a healthier, happier life.


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